Minnesota Justice Foundation Summer 2025 Fellowship Program Contract and List of Responsibilities 

Should I receive and accept an MJF Summer Fellowship, I understand and agree to the following.

I will:

  • Attend a mandatory orientation session (date TBD during May 2025, to be scheduled around fellows’ exam schedules).
  • Complete and return the Final Evaluation no later than August 31, 2025.
  • Write a reflection about my experience and submit it to MJF by August 31, 2025.
  • I understand this reflection may be used in the MJF newsletter, in letters or grant evaluations for funders of the Summer Fellowship Program, and/or in an MJF Annual Report or for promoting the Summer Fellowship Program in subsequent years in print or in person at fundraising events.
  • Write a thank you letter and submit it to MJF by August 31, 2025. MJF will submit it to an organizational donor that has provided support for the summer fellowship program.
  • Try to attend the 2025 MJF Annual Awards Celebration (anticipated to occur in late September or early October 2025.
  • When invited by MJF, speak about my experience as a fellow to interested students and MJF Supporters, as availability allows.

I understand and agree that:

  • The fellowship relationship is an employment relationship between the agency for which I am a fellow and me. I will be paid on an hourly rate. I will not receive a lump sum payment and I understand payroll taxes will be deducted from my paycheck.
  • MJF does not supervise me or control the details of my job duties during my fellowship. There is no employment relationship between MJF and me.
  • The details of scheduling are between me and my supervisor at the host agency. I will work with my supervisor to understand the scheduling details. These will vary based on the preferences and policies of the supervisor and the host agency.
  • I will clarify with my supervisor whether there will  be any partial weeks associated with orientation or for holidays when the office is closed, for purposes of planning my schedule.
  • The pay rate will be a minimum of $16/hour gross. Some hosts may elect at their discretion to contribute additional funding to bring the fellow’s pay rate into line with other clerks. I will verify my pay rate with my supervisor.
  • Because I am employed by the host agency, communication about schedules and any concerns about employment should be directed to my supervisor.
  • The agency or I may end the fellowship at any time, with or without cause.
  • If my fellowship should end early, I will notify my supervisor at the agency and MJF immediately.
  • If I do not complete the full number of hours required to earn the full $6,400 (gross), whether voluntarily or involuntarily, the remaining dollars will be returned to MJF.

I agree that, in submitting my application for the MJF 2025 Summer Fellowship Program, I have read the above Contract and List of Responsibilities, and I agree to comply with them should I be offered and accept a fellowship.